
How To Set Up ViralAdCardz For Perpetual Traffic!

000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Viral Ad Stacking This is by far the most complex part of the EzHitzs set up, but we've broken it down to a few easy steps you'll repeat a number of times. Please just take your time and work it  one step at a time , and you'll be fine. This is one of the most important components of your EzHitzs traffic system, so please,  take as long as you need  to work through it carefully & completely. Any extra time you spend on this to  create unique ad content  will come back to you many, many times over, so do not rush it. Viral AdCards Strategy Hopefully you recognised the potential in the Viral AdCardz system when you created your first AdCard earlier. That system is already embedded in your network and the work you've already done, will feed that system and generate some pretty useful results.  But we can do even better! In this Wizard, we're going to create a series of AdCards for a mix of your EzHitzs pages and your Po