
Showing posts from August, 2023

What Is The Comp Plan of Prosperity Marketing System?

Prosperity Marketing System Comp Plan: Explained I wanted to take a quick second to go over the comp plan behind Prosperity Marketing System. I will have the creator, Darren Olander go over the details of the comp plan itself in his presentation but I will also take this chance to briefly touch on the different membership levels as well. If you have been looking for the best funded proposal to use as a front end promotion, the Prosperity Marketing Systems is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to do it. You don't need to waste time creating your own product, with everything that it entails, like market research, graphic design, web design and a million of other things that take lots of time and money. This is a well oiled efficient sales funnel marketing machine and it only costs $12 a month.  Because this process includes several other possible sources of income within this framework, you can multiply your income relatively quickly with this system on a massive level once you get...

Prosperity Marketing System Downline Builder Team Build Strategy, Review, Tutorial & F.A.Q.

Prosperity Marketing System Review Prosperity Marketing System Downline Builder Team Build Strategy, Review, Tutorial & F.A.Q. I'm not going to lie. I have heard of Prosperity Marketing System a long time ago. It was actually several years ago if I am being honest. I took a quick look at it and even took them up on a free trial but never really took the time to dive into it very deep at all and I quickly dismissed it as another dime a dozen downline builder. I recently came across it again and took a much closer look and WOW! I cannot tell you how badly I am kicking myself for not getting involved with and taking advantage of this amazing system much, MUCH sooner!    The Prosperity Marketing System is a pretty ingenious and efficient sales funnel created by a man named Darren Olander. This platform has been specifically designed to help businesses increase both their sales as well as their conversions. This system is packed with value by including a number of bells and whi...

How To Create Welcome Email In Leads Leap/Send Steed Autoresponder

Hello and welcome to the next step in setting up your leads leap account for your 150LPD system although this information is generic and can be used to create a welcome email for any list or funnel you may have in Leads Leap. The welcome message is actually the first email that is going to be sent to your new email subscriber once they opt into your squeeze page. Now, if you have not yet set up your email autoresponder list in Leads Leap, we covered that in the previous video so go back and check that out if you need to otherwise this video wont make much sense. The first thing you need to do is make sure that you are logged into your Leads Leap account. Now once you are logged in, the first thing you want to do is grab the bridge page link. So in order to copy that we are going to go to the menu on the left hand side where it says "Page Builder" and click on "Page manager"  Now, Like I said, this training video is generic so the bridge page shown...

How To Create A New Email List In Leads Leap/Send Steed

What's going on, guys? Dan Watson here In this quick video, we are going to show you how to create a list in the autoresponder that Leads Leap provides you called Send Steed, This will be the list that we tie to your 150LPD funnel So what we have to do first of course is log into your leads Leap account.  Now, once you are logged into Leads leap, the first thing you need to do is grab the link of your bridge page. Now we have already imported our bridge page with a share code in a previous video and to find it, we are going to scroll down the menu on the left hand side to the section that says Page Builder and click on the option that says page manager. Now this training is generic so some of hte pages you see here are for a different funnel but that doesn't matter. So for this funnel the bridge page is right here and we are just going to copy that link. And just so i have it easily available and ready, I will post it in a notepad here for when I need it.  After we h...