What Are Traffic Generators? How Do You Use Them To Create A Perpetual Traffic System?

Traffic Credit Generators:

This entire process and strategy will be into several different sets of programs that all serve a very specific purpose. EzHitzs is big on reusing and recycling traffic, and this first set of websites are key for doing just that. After you create your accounts on these sites, we embed their content on many of your pages, earning you loads of hands-free traffic credits from every visitor who lands on any of your EzHitzs pages.

You can set these up now with the provided built-in links, and as you complete the rest of your set up, those will start redirecting to the required pages automatically. Click the button below to get started...

What We're Doing Here...

All the websites on this page will give you advertising credits in exchange for showing their ad content on your own pages. It's a tried and tested approach that has been used for years, but most people work them way too hard for just a fraction of the traffic they could be getting. 

We take a VIRAL approach that produces exponentially more page views for you on EzHitzs, which generates an unstoppable flow of credits for you on these Generator Sites. Our approach is quite simple but very powerful...

You join each of these Generator Sites and save your IDs. We then show their ad content on all your EzHitzs pages...

But there's one major twist... 

Half of the time, those ad blocks and banners will use your ID, earning you the credits...

The rest of the time they will use either your EzHitzs Sponsor's ID or your Sponsor's Sponsor... earning them the credits!

This also means, when your own EzHitzs referrals get up and running, a similar proportion of their credits will be passed up to you.

AND... as they start to build their own networks, you'll also be receiving a similar share from every one of their referrals as well!

So you pass up a portion of your own credits and traffic to your sponsor and their sponsor, and in return you'll reap a much bigger reward later on once you start getting more than a few active referrals into the EZHitzs system using your affiliate links we are going to show you.

Hopefully that makes sense and you can see the value, but just in case, here's a quick example...

Let's say the average EzHitzs member generates 1,000 credits across those sites every month.

You could just use your own IDs everywhere and keep those 1000 credits to yourself and you'd be getting some very useful advertising  & exposure.

But with our double pass-up system, you can generate considerably more credits with just a few referrals.

Let's say you only referred 3 active Members to EzHitzs who each referred 3 of their own as well...

In that scenario, you'd only keep 500 of your own credits, but you'd also be getting 1,500 credits (3 x 500) from your referrals as well.....

And don't forget! You'd ALSO be getting 4,500 (9 x 500) credits from your referrals' referrals as well.

That's 6500 credits total. Every month100% hands-free!

Now obviously these are demo numbers only, results will vary and that sort of depth will take a bit of time...

But I should also point out, that believe it or not, EzHitzs will actually generate referrals for you, and most of our more active Members like myself have much more than 10+ direct referrals that are active and following the same steps themselves.

So if you run those above numbers again with 10 referrals each, you're looking at 55,500 credits per month!

As for the handful of Members who've made 100+ referrals already... ( and I am on my way there getting closer everyday!) I can only guess they're going to be extremely happy with this new approach!

Please read that section a couple of times if necessary, until you really, completely understand it. This is extremely powerful and it's a strategy we employ throughout EzHitzs to seriously leverage your traffic and your profits.

Setting Up Your Accounts:

The basic process is quite simple and will repeated for every website in each section...

1. Register an account ONLY IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE ONE.

2. Confirm your email address and login.

3. Configure your account according to our instructions.

4. Log into your EZHitzs account and save the necessary User ID for each program.

If you already have an account with any program inside mentioned, just use that but make sure you check our instructions and use our recommended links & ads, so that everything connects properly.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes we'll ask for a USERNAME, other times it will be a ID NUMBER. In a couple of instances it will be the a URL. This may sounds confusing but you HAVE to...... 

Make sure you provide the correct info or your links will not work and you will miss out on referrals.

Be warned, this will get a little bit tedious, but most of it is Set-and-Forget... as long as you follow the instructions carefully and do it right the first time!


Don't forget to put information from each program into your scrap book!

Credit Generators Programs:

Click the blue button to set up or update each program listed below. We recommend you complete them in the order they're listed to save back-tracking. If you're already a Member of a program, you can use your existing account, but you MUST run though our instructions to make sure your account is properly set up for EzHitzs!


This could be one of the most useful sites in your EzHitzs network. It offers a valuable portfolio of free tools and advertising that you can fully explore later on. For now we're just going to get it set up so you can generate ad credits that we'll use to send traffic back to EzHitzs.


This is our brand new viral banner exchange. We've had issues with some 3rd-party programs so we decided to make our own. This one will reward you with direct referral rewards as well as bonus credits, based on the efforts of your referrals, down through 6 levels!

Buckets of Banners

This banner exchange that will show your banners on 16,000+ other websites, so you can reach a massive audience, and you can do it virtually hands-free... once your perpetual traffic machine is up and running. This one looks a bit old but it tends to get the best click through rates of all our banner exchanges.

Viral URL

Viral Url is another site where we earn traffic credits on auto, that we then use to promote EzHitzs and your various portfolio programs. Again you'll find there's some excellent additional tools and features worth exploring later on, but for now we'll just focus on the basics.

Share My Ads

This banner exchange is almost the last of our credit generators. We'll earn you credits on a number of our traffic pages, that you can use to show a number of non-standard banner sizes, which can really help your offers standout. Again this is 99% set-and-forget, so we'll get it set up now and you'll rarely need to look at it again.

Traffic Ad Bar

Traffic Ad Bar (TAB) is a manual traffic exchange with a number of great features we're going to put to good use. The traffic you get is determined by how many points you accumulate each week... something we'll be doing hands-free, once your Perpetual Traffic Machine is set up. This is a very powerful program, so we go into a bit more detail here... please read it carefully even if you're an experienced TAB user!

Do it right, do it once!

You should register and save your UserID for ALL the programs listed above NOW, in this session. If you start planning to come back later, you will run into problems later on.

If a site is temporarily unavailable, you can skip it on the Instructions page, but make sure you make a note of it and check back and finish the process as soon as it's back up.

Once you've set up all the programs above, please click on the ACTIVATE link to the left to complete this module of your Perpetual Traffic Machine!

Once This Section Is Complete:

EzHitzs is designed to be mostly Set-and-Forget, but you will be earning advertising credits in these programs, so you should make sure you check in from time to time, to assign those to the appropriate campaign, check your stats and see if you have any commissions owing.

Here's a few suggestions...

There's a lot here that you'll want to go through in detail sometime. In particular, we will be putting the list building and autoresponder portion to work very soon and will be relying on this specific platform for a lot of our day to day tools. I suggest logging into this one daily as I will discuss in the directions.


Login monthly to assign credits.

My Banner Ads

Login monthly to assign credits.

Buckets of Banners
Login monthly to assign credits.

Viral URL
This one doesn't move particularly fast, so login every couple of months to assign credits to your campaigns.

Share My Ads
You will need to assign credits here, so login once a month to keep your ads showing.

Traffic Ad Bar

TAB will run quite well unattended, so you only really need to login if you want to switch your default website to something else. You do get extra points each time you log-in though, and sites can get disabled from time to time for no apparent reason, so maybe check in once a month to make sure everything's working properly! 

If you have been looking for the best way to create a hands free, perpetual traffic generation machine, then I would highly suggest that you take a look at the EZHitz strategy. I have been using it myself for months now and my results just get better and better especially after adding the slight modifications I have to this strategy. Join me in creating a growing, accelerating source of traffic that will last for years to come and only get stronger and faster over time. Simply click the banner below to get started today!



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If you ever have any questions or would like to discuss paid promotions, you can feel free to message me on Facebook at my profile here:

You can also contact me by email here:

Would you like a complete, step by step, easy to follow guide of how and where to collect leads, referrals, commissions, advertising, profits and results with blinding speed!? Learn how to build your email list quicker than you have ever been able to manage before on your own. Let me help you! Simply fill in the form above or click the banner below to get started.

Prosperity Marketing System

Dan Watson and Viral Stacking provide an informational service only and are not responsible for any investments made applying this information. The results described are not typical and are not guarantees of future income. Any investment contains risk and is 100% the responsibility of the investor to assess the risks/rewards involved. It is possible to lose some or all of your investment. We assume no liability assumed or implied for your application of the information shared from the training programs.

I am not a financial advisor and for that reason, nothing I say or write should be taken as financial advice. This information is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I am not the owner of any of the programs mentioned on this website. I am also not connected to the presented websites in any way, shape or form. There is risk involved in trading, mining, lending, staking and investing in cryptocurrency. So any previous payments made by any website or an investment fund do not guarantee that payments will be steady and regular in the future. I am not responsible if a website does not pay out or shut down at anytime. So Join at your own risk. This information is created as per my personal experience. I do not take any responsibility for any losses that may occur. I do not give any financial advise.

Earnings and Income Disclaimer. We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by its’ customers and/or I are only estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire.



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