What Is A Final Surf & Why Is It Nessecary?

Final Surf Session:

We promised you traffic that was free of traffic surfing and email reading... once you're set up.

So we're asking you to do one Final Surf Session to fully prime your EzHitzs system and set you up for maximum returns. As you'd expect by now, there's a bit of a twist to how we are going to approach this, so please take your time to understand and complete this important step as thoroughly as possible.

Time To Say GoodBye To Endless Surfing!

The traffic exchanges we've included in your portfolio each share one important feature. They each have the potential to show you a Positive ROI... Return On Investment. This simply means, you CAN get more out of them than you put in.

Make no mistake, most free traffic sites offer a negative ROI.

You surf three websites to get one visitor to your own...
You read five emails to get enough credits to send one yourself...
You click two ads to get one click of your own ad...

These sites are built to work that way. Even our selected sites will operate that way... if you don't use them properly.

But when you choose the right websites, work smarter than the average member, and make an initial effort to get things moving, you can not only get a positive return on your efforts, you can get those traffic sites to work for you hands-free, pretty much forever.

That's what this final wizard is all about...

We want to get each of these traffic exchanges to an ideal starting position, so that when your referrals come through, they'll give you a boost as well.

And then as their referrals repeat the process, and their referrals... and so on... your traffic exchanges will become a perpetual source of hands-free visitors.

So the plan here is simple:

You set aside some time over the next week or two in order to surf our selected sites as hard as you possibly can. You put in a one-time effort now, to rack up as many credits as you can in the next seven to fourteen days.

  • This will seriously kickstart your EzHitzs network and position you to continue to receive more traffic credits from all these sites moving forward.
  • You'll generate extra views of your Traffic Pages, earning you even more traffic credits on our Generator Sites, feeding your entire system.
  • This will also be feeding the EzHitzs pass-up systems, sending additional ad credits and traffic to your sponsor and their referrer as well.
  • Plus you'll be generating extra traffic for your upline within the exchanges themselves, sometimes over multiple tiers.

You'll see that a lot of the benefits here are going to flow on to your sponsor.

That's a good thing! Because the exact same thing will happen when your referrals repeat the process... and their referrals, and their referrals, and so on...

But that won't happen until you show us that you've made a genuine effort yourself!

This is the catch...

You Can't Count On Someone Else To Do The Work For You!

The tracking links you submitted to these sites will measure how much effort you decide to put into this. We can see it and your referrals will see it. We've also set a minimum on the volume of traffic that's required to fully activate this feature.

So if you want to benefit from the efforts of the people that YOU refer as well... you'll need to commit some real time and effort yourself, first.

We've also added some valuable bonuses to the process, to reward you for your efforts over and above the minimum. But the biggest incentive you have is that your referrals will very likely follow your lead.

So if you don't make an effort at all, they probably won't either...

If you do the bare minimum and move on, they probably do the same...

But if you demonstrate you're serious and prepared to do the work, there's a really good chance that your active referrals are going to follow your lead!

Schedule Your Final Surf Session

So your next task is to set aside some time over the next seven days to work on this. As an absolute minimum you'll want to set aside a couple of hours. At the most you may want to commit a couple weeks up to a month depending on how long it takes you to hit your goal numbers with each site. This should be plenty of time to rack up a couple of thousand credits on each site and go far beyond meeting the minimum traffic requirement. But the choice is up to you.

Ideally you'll make it 3-4 hours and aim for 1,000+ VISITOR CREDITS on EACH site. The number of pageviews required to do that on each site will vary, but since you'll never have to do it again... you might as well go out with a bang! Worst case scenario, if you only do the bare minimum, you might not be very happy with the volume of daily traffic you are getting and end up regretting not going a lot harder in the beginning like this.

Just remember, your referrals will see just how much effort you put in, and most will follow your lead. If you go over and above, chances are good that they will too!

Just Before You Get Started...

Check Your Tracking Links: This will only work if you have the correct tracking links listed on each of these sites. If you rushed or skipped any of this, take a moment as you open each website to make sure you have our recommended links saved.

Assign Credits As You Go: After each surf session, make sure you assign the credits you earn to your saved links, so you get the visitors to EzHitzs ASAP. Some of these sites are quite slow, so you need to give them enough time to deliver.

Don't Ignore The Slow Sites: Each of these traffic exchanges play an important for our system, so you do need to work them all. As a small incentive, we will TRIPLE the Final Surf Session credits you earn on the slower sites...

Upgrade Before You Start: If you plan to take ANY upgrades, do it before you start and you'll usually get extra credits immediately. Plus you'll earn more for your surfing. You should still plan on doing at least ONE large surfing session if not a couple or so!


The process here is quite simple. You have already set up the required accounts and if you followed our instructions, you already have our special tracking links listed on each of these sites.

So as soon as you Launch this feature, we'll track every click from each of those sites through those tracking links, for the next 7 days. At the end of the week, that total will locked-in and shown on your profile info, visible to all your referrals.

Those links will also continue to track after that, so that your 'lifetime' number will also be visible... showing your referrals that you're still active and still benefiting from your own Final Surf Session.

Right now though, your goal is to get that first number as high as you possibly can.

You'll find a link to each of the traffic exchanges a bit lower on this page, so you can just open each of them in a new browser tab and get to work. How much work you do is entirely up to you, but everything you do now will come back to you many times over in the future, so in this scenario, more is definitely better!

If you're tight on funds but have the time, you might want to spend some extra time on this... maybe two or three sessions... to get things moving sooner. That extra activity might even generate some early commissions in other programs, to fund some paid options for you.

If you have limited time but some spare funds, you might prefer to purchase some traffic packs or one-month upgrades on a couple of these sites to really get things moving. Those clicks will still be tracked and you can get on to other things.

Just remember, your own referrals will be here before long, trying to decide just how much time, effort and money they should invest. The number they see posted beside your name will have a big impact on their decision!

From here make sure you Activate this feature in your back office dashboard of EZHitzs BEFORE you do any surfing or take any upgrades. That panel will also show you your current stats and all our current bonuses, so check it out now, before you start, and you can check back any time after that to see how things are progressing.

Traffic Bonuses & Activation

We want to be 100% certain that you get good value here, so we're adding our own Bonuses and Incentives to reward you when you lead by example and make a real investment, whether that's time and effort, or money. Either way, we've set this up to reward you well.

We do understand that everyone's situation will be different. Not everyone has the time to do a whole lot of surfing. Not everyone has the spare cash to grab a few upgrades. So the bonuses below are structured to reward you well for doing whatever you can.

The only real requirement is the first milestone of 1000 visitors to mark this Wizard as complete. After that, everything is optional, and a bonus. More is MOST DEFINITELY Better and will get things moving faster for you, but EzHitzs will still work fine for you, if you're not in a position to do that. It will just move along a little slower to begin with.

The table below shows the rewards on offer for a number of milestones. Once you activate this feature, it will also show your progress towards those goals...

MilestoneBonus Details
Target Achieved! This wizard has been completed and activated.

We'll send you 5,000 extra visitors! If you generate over 2,500 visits through your FSS tracking links in the next week, we'll verify your logs and assign you another 5,000 visitors from our own external traffic sources.
We'll send you 10,000 extra visitors! If you go extra hard... or grab an upgrade... we'll assign 10,000 visitors from our own external traffic sources to make sure you see a rapid return on your investment!
Beat Your
Top Your Referrer's Number To Win! We'll PERMANENTLY add a Bonus Page promoting all your traffic sites to a special EzHitzs rotator, earning you additional Traffic Credits, Optins and Referrals, hands-free, forever.

Ready to get started? Just login to each of the sites below and navigate to the surf page. Close any pages that are left open but not required. Then just start surfing... after you click the confirmation icon in one tab, just move to the next and repeat the process.

You'll soon find a comfortable pace that doesn't leave you waiting for too long on any one site. So put on some music, make a coffee or grab a drink, and just settle in for a couple of hours.

It would normally not be the most productive use of your time, but you can be happy in the knowledge that if you do it well this time, you won't need to ever do it again!

Please check your stats to make sure your hits are being logged on EzHitzs. Any problems, double check that you've activated the Surf Tracking by clicking the big blue button on this page, and that you added our tracking links exactly as shown to your various traffic site accounts.

Power User Strategy

If you are considering any upgrades on these sites, DO IT NOW! All upgrades will multiply the credits you earn for each site viewed. So if you're ever going to do it, even it's just a single month, now is the time to make that investment.

We've included info on some of the more useful upgrade options... please consider them if you can. Any of them will make a major difference to your Final Surf Session credits total, which will mean more referred credits from all your people for many years to come!

Shortcuts, Bots & Other Cheating

This won't affect the vast majority of our Members, but there's always someone who'd rather waste time looking for shortcuts, when they could just do the damn work.

Please be warned, we have a zero-tolerance policy on cheats.

We will be logging all visits and checking that each visitor originates from one of the selected sites. We'll be watching for excessive duplicate IP hits and anything that looks remotely like bot traffic or cheating will be flagged.

As with the entire EzHitzs system, if we detect cheating, we will delete your EzHitzs account and block you from using any of our websites, ever again.

We have so many honest people who are prepared to do the work that we simply don't need to waste time on cheats and scammers.

So either play by the rules, or cut your losses and leave now. Because if you try to cheat, we will catch you and we will ban you.

If you have been looking for the best way to create a hands free, perpetual traffic generation machine, then I would highly suggest that you take a look at the EZHitz strategy. I have been using it myself for months now and my results just get better and better especially after adding the slight modifications I have to this strategy. Join me in creating a growing, accelerating source of traffic that will last for years to come and only get stronger and faster over time. Simply click the banner below to get started today!



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Would you like a complete, step by step, easy to follow guide of how and where to collect leads, referrals, commissions, advertising, profits and results with blinding speed!? Learn how to build your email list quicker than you have ever been able to manage before on your own. Let me help you! Simply fill in the form above or click the banner below to get started.

Prosperity Marketing System

Dan Watson and Viral Stacking provide an informational service only and are not responsible for any investments made applying this information. The results described are not typical and are not guarantees of future income. Any investment contains risk and is 100% the responsibility of the investor to assess the risks/rewards involved. It is possible to lose some or all of your investment. We assume no liability assumed or implied for your application of the information shared from the training programs.

I am not a financial advisor and for that reason, nothing I say or write should be taken as financial advice. This information is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I am not the owner of any of the programs mentioned on this website. I am also not connected to the presented websites in any way, shape or form. There is risk involved in trading, mining, lending, staking and investing in cryptocurrency. So any previous payments made by any website or an investment fund do not guarantee that payments will be steady and regular in the future. I am not responsible if a website does not pay out or shut down at anytime. So Join at your own risk. This information is created as per my personal experience. I do not take any responsibility for any losses that may occur. I do not give any financial advise.

Earnings and Income Disclaimer. We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by its’ customers and/or I are only estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire.



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